Monday, May 5, 2014

Adventures of a Culinary Pirate Captain

Source: Goodreads
The Last Pirate at Fort Matanzas by Charles Frankhauser (Self-Published, 2013, 118pp.)

As he lies on his deathbed in the infirmary of a prison in St. Augustine, Madrid-born Alberto—a former pirate and restaurant owner—gives us his life story. Beginning with his humble origins as a gardener on a rich man’s garlic plantation, he was involuntary conscripted into Phillip II’s army. After being sent to serve as a cook aboard a merchant ship, he soon is taken hostage by pirates. Due to his ability to whip up a mean dish of Spanish rice, he is spared from walking the plank and is appointed cook. After the ship’s captain is killed, the crew picks Alberto as his successor, as he has been voted “the least likely person to get everyone killed.” The rest, as they say, is history. Comical, charming, irreverent, and highly recommended.

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